Letter to the Prime Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition Concerning Canada’s Policy Towards China and Taiwan
Letter to the Prime Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition Concerning Canada’s Policy Towards China and Taiwan
Perspectives, Summer 2005: Excerpts from recent speeches by members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
Perspectives, Summer 2005: Excerpts from recent speeches by members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
Canada Needs Sound Strategy, Not More Spending: Comments on the 2005 Budget Implementation Bill
Thank you for the opportunity to appear before this committee to offer the views of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) on the 2005 budget implementation act, Bill C-43. In February, the CCCE offered qualified support for the 2005 budget. In particular, we welcomed the government’s bedrock commitment to fiscal prudence, its pledge to make Canadian tax rates more competitive, and its new investments in core federal responsibilities such as national defence and Canada’s presence abroad. Even then, however, we were concerned by the continued rapid growth of overall spending. Spending grew by 12 percent in 2004/05 alone, bringing the five-year total increase to 44 percent. The months since the February budget have seen announcements of at least $9 billion in spending beyond that already unsustainable pace. The prospect of any election brings with it the temptation for governments to try to bribe voters with their own money. This […]
Business Leaders Gather at New War Museum to Honour Canada’s Armed Forces and the Contributions of Canadian Industry
Canadian business leaders, prominent academics and military experts will gather in Ottawa on Friday, May 27, for a series of roundtable discussions on the past, present and future of Canadian defence and foreign policy. Organized and hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the one-day meeting is being held at the stunning new home of the Canadian War Museum, on the banks of the Ottawa River within sight of Parliament Hill. The Honourable William Graham, Minister of National Defence, will be the keynote speaker at a dinner in the museum’s LeBreton Gallery. To mark the occasion, the CCCE is publishing a new paper by eminent Canadian historian J.L. Granatstein, a former Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian War Museum (1998-2001). Titled Arming the Nation: Canada’s Industrial War Effort, 1939-1945, the paper documents the extraordinary contributions of Canadian workers and business leaders to the Allied victory in the Second World War. From […]
Arming the Nation: Canada’s Industrial War Effort 1939-1945 – by J. L. Granatstein
Arming the Nation: Canada’s Industrial War Effort 1939-1945 – by J. L. Granatstein
Remembering the Past, Preparing for the Future – Agenda for a Roundtable at the Canadian War Museum
Remembering the Past, Preparing for the Future – Agenda for a Roundtable at the Canadian War Museum
Task Force Report Emphasizes Need for Urgent Action on North American Security and Prosperity
The final report of the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America adds momentum to the trinational security and prosperity initiative launched recently by the leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada, says the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and composed of 26 leading figures from government, academia, business and the non-profit sector, the Task Force strongly endorses the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) announced at the March 23 summit in Texas, and proposes building on and extending that initiative by creating a new community by 2010 with a single market, common external tariff, and an outer security perimeter. The Task Force issued its final report today during a meeting in New York City attended by the three co-chairs: William Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts and Assistant United States Attorney General; Pedro Aspe, former Finance […]
Business Leaders Say Rollback of Corporate Tax Cuts Threatens Investment, Jobs and Social Programs
The federal government’s agreement in principle with the New Democratic Party to roll back corporate tax cuts sends a message to the world that Canada is losing interest in competing for investment and jobs, says theCanadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). The tax cuts of the past five years have had a dramatic impact in stimulating job creation, raising incomes and boosting tax revenue for governments, but as Prime Minister Paul Martin himself has acknowledged, the world is changing quickly and radically, said the CCCE, a non-partisan organization composed of the chief executives of 150 leading Canadian enterprises. “Governments around the world increasingly are turning to tax policy as the most effective tool in their arsenals for attracting new investment, accelerating economic growth, raising family incomes and funding social programs,” said CCCE Chief Executive and President Thomas d’Aquino. The C.D. Howe Institute noted in a new study released today that the corporate […]
Business Leaders Support Key Foreign Policy Priorities, Urge Government to Deliver Quickly
Business leaders welcome the international policy blueprint unveiled today by the federal government, and urge Prime Minister Paul Martin to act quickly on its key elements in the areas of trade and commerce, defence, development and diplomacy. “The global challenges are clear. The strategic priorities the government has laid out are promising. But if Canada is to live up to the policy statement’s goal of truly making a difference in the world, plenty of hard work and hard choices lie ahead,” said Thomas d’Aquino, Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). The CCCE supported in particular the policy statement’s primary commitment to pursuing a comprehensive North American strategy through the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America signed by Prime Minister Martin, United States President George W. Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox last month at their Texas summit. “Finding better ways to resolve disputes, making it easier for […]
North American Business Leaders Join Together to Support Strategic Initiative on Security and Prosperity
Business leaders in the United States, Canada and Mexico today agreed to work together to accelerate progress within the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) announced last month by United States President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The new business initiative brings together the three most influential CEO-based organizations in North America: Business Roundtable (the Roundtable) in the United States, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) and the Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios (CMHN). The three business organizations have agreed to coordinate their efforts in order to encourage their respective governments to move ahead as quickly as possible in implementing the agenda laid out in the SPP. “The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has brought real gains to people in all three countries over the past decade, but today we face daunting new challenges, including the relentless threat of […]