Canadian Business Leaders Launch Major National Initiative to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Promote Clean Technologies
Canadian Business Leaders Launch Major National Initiative to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Promote Clean Technologies
Backgrounder: The Environmental Leadership Initiative
Backgrounder: The Environmental Leadership Initiative
How Far Are We Willing to Go? – Article by Thomas d’Aquino in the National Post
The following article appeared in the National Post, March 2, 2007. The author is Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. How Far Are We Willing to Go? By Thomas d’Aquino Friday, March 02, 2007 For too long, the climate-change debate has been dominated by a small number of special interest groups shouting past one another, often making claims that cannot be substantiated and resorting to scare tactics to achieve political gain. In the two decades since I embraced the concept of sustainable development, I have never wavered in my view that responsible environmentalism and responsible economics go hand in hand. The supreme test of leadership is to draw the best from both. How then is this to be done? We must begin by embracing an inescapable imperative: The restoration of global ecological balance and the mitigation of the effects of climate change will not succeed unless all […]
Trilateral Business Council Charts Course for Enhanced North American Competitiveness
Trilateral Business Council Charts Course for Enhanced North American Competitiveness
Enhancing Competitiveness in Canada, Mexico, and the United States – Initial Recommendations of the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC)
Enhancing Competitiveness in Canada, Mexico, and the United States – Initial Recommendations of the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC)
CCCE Chief Applauds Premier Charest’s Canada-European Union Initiative
The Canada-European Union relationship has suffered from political neglect on both sides of the Atlantic and valuable opportunities are being lost, says Thomas d’Aquino, Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). Speaking in Davos, Switzerland, where he is attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, Mr. d’Aquino praised Quebec Premier Jean Charest’s call to deepen trade, investment and economic cooperation between Canada and the European Union. “When German Chancellor Angela Merkel argued here in Davos for closer transatlantic ties, she and Europeans generally had the United States in mind,” Mr. d’Aquino said. “While her speech was commendable, Canada is largely out of sight and out of mind in high-level transatlantic discourse. This is particularly disturbing given Canada’s G8 status, its prominence in the North American trade and investment equation, and its plethora of bilateral linkages with Europe — both historical and current.” In business terms, […]
Canadian Council of Chief Executives Elects Gordon M. Nixon as new Chair, Sets Ambitious Policy Agenda for 2007
The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) has elected Gordon M. Nixon as its new Chair. Mr. Nixon is President and Chief Executive Officer of Royal Bank of Canada, and has served as a member of the CCCE’s Executive Committee since 2003. At its New Year Members’ Meeting in Toronto, the Council also approved an ambitious agenda for the coming year. The central focus of this agenda will be to enhance the ability of Canadian companies to compete effectively in the global marketplace and to help shape a domestic policy environment that gives primacy to sound economics and good governance. The CCCE is Canada’s premier business association, with an outstanding record of achievement in matching entrepreneurial initiative with sound public policy choices nationally and globally. It is composed of 150 chief executives of major enterprises and leading entrepreneurs. Member CEOs lead companies that collectively administer $3.2 trillion in assets, have annual revenues of more […]
International Business Statement on the Doha Development Round: Failure is Not an Option
International Business Statement on the Doha Development Round: Failure is Not an Option
North American Competitiveness Council Seeks to Strengthen Continental Prosperity – Article by David Stewart-Patterson in Fraser Forum
North American Competitiveness Council Seeks to Strengthen Continental Prosperity – Article by David Stewart-Patterson in Fraser Forum
Letter to Dean Allison, Chair, House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, re Bill C-257
Letter to Dean Allison, Chair, House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, re Bill C-257