Perspectives, Spring 2007: Excerpts from recent speeches by members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
Perspectives, Spring 2007: Excerpts from recent speeches by members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
National Science and Technology Strategy is Key to Building Competitive Advantage, Business Leaders Say
Canada’s business leaders today strongly welcomed the federal government’s new national science and technology strategy and promised to work closely with political leaders and senior officials in fostering a more innovative and entrepreneurial national culture. “At a time when workers and companies across the country are facing fierce competitive pressures, it is imperative that Canada launch a more robust national effort to advance the priority of science and technology,” said Thomas d’Aquino, Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). Mr. d’Aquino was in Waterloo, Ontario, today to attend the unveiling of Canada’s new national science and technology strategy by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Accompanying the Prime Minister were Industry Minister Maxime Bernier, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Rona Ambrose. Building on the Advantage Canada plan released last fall by Minister Flaherty, the new strategy includes a wide range of specific policy commitments aimed at improving […]
Canada and the European Union: A Stronger Partnership – Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Chancellor Angela Merkel and EC President José Manuel Barroso
Canada and the European Union: A Stronger Partnership – Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Chancellor Angela Merkel and EC President José Manuel Barroso
Shaping a More Competitive North America to Help Canadians Take on the World
Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you this morning to talk about the Canada-United States relationship. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives has been a strong supporter for decades of efforts to make the border between Canada and the United States less of a barrier to people and goods. In the days before the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, our main goal was to enable Canadians to gain better access to the huge market to our south. But today, the efficient flow of goods and services between our two countries does more than provide Canadian companies with access to the United States. It is critical in helping companies on both sides of the border compete more effectively against new economic powers such as China and India that are transforming patterns of trade and investment worldwide. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 ushered in a new era in North America, […]
Building a Secure and Competitive North America
Thank you for the opportunity to join you this morning and to talk about what is being done and what still needs to be done to build a North American economy that is more competitive within the global economy while also more secure against global threats. My organization, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, has like you been a strong supporter for decades of efforts to make the border between Canada and the United States less of a barrier to people and goods. We have supported freer trade and greater labour mobility because we know that efficient flows of goods and services between our two countries helps companies on both sides of the border compete more effectively around the world. POST-9/11 REALITIES The terrorist attacks of 9/11 ushered in a new era in North America, one in which the focus of public policy in the United States shifted toward security […]
The 2007 Budget and Competitiveness – Letter to The Honourable James Flaherty, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance
The 2007 Budget and Competitiveness – Letter to The Honourable James Flaherty, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance
Community Investment, Multiculturalism and Canada’s Competitive Advantage
Thank you and good morning. You’ve asked me to talk to you this morning about the role of business in our communities, not just as economic actors but as citizens. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives is made up of the CEOs of 150 of Canada’s largest companies, and our purpose is to enable business leaders to engage in broad issues of public policy. One of our ongoing areas of interest is that of good governance, both corporate and public. And in our view, good governance flows fundamentally from issues of ethics and values. There has been much discussion about such matters in the years since Enron and Worldcom became household names, and while internal behaviour in a company may be governed by a code of ethics, the external expression of its values can be seen in the way that it acts as a corporate citizen. Businesses do not operate […]
Federal Budget Helps Canada Compete for People, Ideas and Money, Business Leaders Say
The 2007 federal budget delivers a host of measures that will help Canadians compete more successfully in the global economy, says the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). “To ensure growing prosperity for all Canadians over the next decade, our country must compete on three fronts: people, ideas and investment,” said CCCE Chief Executive and President Thomas d’Aquino. “This budget launches important initiatives in all three areas, adding real muscle to the comprehensive competitiveness strategy laid out by the government last autumn.” The budget includes a series of measures that should be highly effective in enabling Canadian enterprises to expand investment in new technologies and to continue growing in Canadian communities: Allowing Canada’s hard-pressed manufacturers to write off their investments in new equipment in just two years offers critical support to help them to survive and grow in an intensely competitive global market, and all businesses will benefit from accelerated capital cost […]
Closer Engagement, Deeper Ties: Joint Statement on the Occasion of the First India-Canada Roundtable
Closer Engagement, Deeper Ties: Joint Statement on the Occasion of the First India-Canada Roundtable
CEO Mission to India Seeks to Strengthen Trade and Investment Ties with One of the World’s Fastest-Growing Economies
A high-level delegation of Canadian business leaders will arrive in Delhi this weekend on a five-day mission to promote stronger trade and investment ties between Canada and India. Organized by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the mission represents the first private sector visit to India by a broadly based group of chief executives and senior executives from among Canada’s largest enterprises. “We are mounting this mission at a time when India is transforming at a meteoric pace,” said CCCE Chief Executive and President Thomas d’Aquino. “The Canadian business leaders who are visiting India at this time understand fully that Canada needs to accelerate the development of the Canada-India bilateral economic relationship and to open new avenues for cooperation.” In addition to Mr. d’Aquino, CCCE members who are participating in the mission include: Jack Cockwell, Group Chairman, Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (Member Emeritus); Marcel Coutu, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian […]