Economic Uncertainty Increases Urgency of Joint Action to Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Business Leaders Say
Economic Uncertainty Increases Urgency Of Joint Action To Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Business Leaders Say
Meeting the Global Challenge – 2008 Report to Leaders from Tthe North American Competitiveness Council
Meeting The Global Challenge – 2008 Report To Leaders From The North American Competitiveness Council
A Tribute to Jake Warren, O.C., LL.D at a Service in His Memory
by Thomas d’Aquino
A Tribute to Jake Warren, O.C., LL.D at a Service in His Memory by Thomas d’Aquino
Ten National Associations Call on Political Leaders to Fix Internal Trade in Canada
Ten National Associations Call On Political Leaders To Fix Internal Trade In Canada
Reaching for the Top: Strategic Imperatives for Canada in a Transforming Global Economy – An Address by Thomas d’Aquino
Reaching For The Top: Strategic Imperatives For Canada In A Transforming Global Economy – An Address By Thomas d’Aquino
Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) Honours Simon Reisman
Thomas d’Aquino, Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), today issued this statement on the passing of Simon Reisman: “The Canadian Council of Chief Executives pays tribute to Simon Reisman, a proud and passionate Canadian whose many accomplishments as a career public servant helped to build a stronger and more prosperous Canada. In the early 1960s he negotiated the Auto Pact, a seminal agreement that laid the foundation for today’s integrated North American automotive industry. He was Canada’s first deputy minister of Industry and played a key role in modernizing the policy framework that guides economic development in this country. His crowning achievement, the 1988 Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA), has contributed immeasurably to Canada’s economic growth and confidence on the world stage. As the chief negotiator in talks that led to the FTA, Simon displayed wisdom, courage and tenacity in equal measure. Without his efforts, Canada would […]
Protectionism is not the Answer, CCCE Head Says in Response to Attacks on Continental Free Trade
The Chief Executive and President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), Thomas d’Aquino, today expressed disappointment and dismay at the intensifying attacks in the United States on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). A veteran advocate of continental free trade and private sector leader in advancing the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, Mr. d’Aquino said that anti-NAFTA rhetoric had reached disturbing levels in the contest for the United States presidency: “I have observed many American elections and realize that in the run-up to a national vote, candidates sometimes appeal to the more extreme voices in their constituencies. But I detect more than rhetoric at work here. Protectionists in many cases are attacking the fundamentals of liberal economics, which have long been proven to offer the greatest benefits in terms of growth, job creation and improvements in quality of life. “In the face of this onslaught, some of it based […]
Careful Budget Reinforces Competitiveness, Highlights Need for Spending Review
The 2008 federal budget takes modest but important steps to reinforce the competitiveness of the Canadian economy and highlights the need for prudent fiscal management at a time of growing global uncertainty, says the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). The projected budget surplus drops from a robust $10.2 billion in the current fiscal year to just $2.3 billion next year and $1.3 billion in 2009/10. “There is now very little room for error,” said CCCE Executive Vice President David Stewart-Patterson. “The forecast for economic growth in 2008 has fallen by 1.3 percentage points since the government’s October 2007 Economic Statement. A further drop of even half a percentage point over the course of a full year might be enough to tip the government into deficit.” Federal spending growth is beginning to slow, but total program spending will reach $218 billion by 2009/10, an increase of $30 billion or 16 percent from […]
Building a Canadian Environmental Superpower – Testimony Before the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Re: Bill C-377
Building A Canadian Environmental Superpower – Testimony Before The Standing Committee On Environment And Sustainable Development Re: Bill C-377
Head Offices and Innovation: Competing for Well-Paid Jobs in Services
Thank you for the opportunity to appear this morning as part of this Committee’s investigation into the challenges facing Canada’s service sector. This covers a vast range of jobs in the public, private and non-profit sectors, but I will focus my initial remarks this morning on two specific types of highly skilled and well paid work: head-office jobs and those involved in research and innovation. The subject of head offices came to the fore last year as a result of the foreign takeovers of several major Canadian enterprises. These transactions revived fears in some quarters of a potential “hollowing out” of Canada’s head offices. As a CEO-based organization, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives believes strongly that head offices matter a great deal to the wellbeing of all Canadians, and we decided to dig deeper into the issue of head-office jobs and how Canada could be more effective in attracting […]