CEO Council Releases Comprehensive Policy Platform, Launches Redesigned Website
January 14, 2004
For the first time in its 27-year history, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) has published a comprehensive policy platform that outlines its positions on a wide range of public policy issues, including North American integration, corporate and public governance, fiscal and tax policy, and national defence.
The release of the 41-page document coincides with the launch of the CCCE’s redesigned website at www.ceocouncil.ca. Built around the seven major themes of the policy platform, the new site offers richer content, more powerful search capabilities and dramatically improved look and feel. As well as accessing recent and archived CCCE communiqués, speeches and other publications, visitors can explore the site by policy category and topic, search by keyword or download the complete policy platform document in PDF format.
“At a time of major political transitions federally and provincially, we are making it faster and easier than ever for Canadians to find out where the country’s business leaders stand on major national and international issues,” said Thomas d’Aquino, the CCCE’s President and Chief Executive.
The CCCE is Canada’s senior business organization and is devoted to strengthening the country’s economy and society through the development of sound public policy in Canada, North America and the world. Its member chief executives head companies that administer in excess of $2.3 trillion in assets, have annual revenues of more than $550 billion and account for a significant majority of Canada’s private sector investment, exports, training and research and development.
In addition to Mr. d’Aquino, the members of the CCCE’s Executive Committee are: Chairman Richard L. George, President and Chief Executive Officer of Suncor Energy Inc.; Honorary Chairman A. Charles Baillie; and Vice-Chairmen Derek H. Burney, Dominic D’Alessandro, Paul Desmarais, Jr., David L. Emerson, Gwyn Morgan, Gordon Nixon and Paul M. Tellier, the chief executives respectively of CAE, Manulife Financial, Power Corporation of Canada, Canfor Corporation, EnCana Corporation, Royal Bank of Canada and Bombardier Inc.